How to replace a hand on your BJD
Replacing the hand on a BJD can be a challenge to do by yourself as the stringing can be very tight and you only have two hands. ;) Here's how I do it... While sitting, grip the doll body firmly between your legs taking care not to rub the face or put pressure on any delicate parts. Hold the hand you want to remove by the wrist/palm (never the fingers!) and pull away from you until you expose a little of the elastic at the wrist. Keeping the elastic taut, attach the hook of the new hand and switch the pulling tension from the old hand to the new one. Now, holding the new hand tight, remove the old hand and release the tension gently.
Music : Roa - Summer Mood
Watch : https://youtu.be/0fzjQgrrFHE
Stream / Download : https://hypeddit.com/roamusic/summermood
License : https://roa-music.com